This private and confidential program provides vaccines free of charge to eligible
adults, primarily the uninsured who, without our assistance, could not afford needed
Merck vaccines.
To learn more about the program, click here to read the full brochure.
Vaccine Resources For Children & Seniors
Merck will continue to provide discounted pediatric vaccines to the Vaccines
for Children (VFC) Program.
The VFC program provides free vaccines to children who are Medicaid eligible, without health insurance, or American Indian/Alaska native and to children with health insurance that does not cover the cost of vaccines, if they receive their immunizations at a Federally Qualified Health Center or rural health clinic.
Ask your health care provider if they participate in the VFC program. Or, contact
the VFC coordinator in your state. A list of VFC coordinators can be found at
Pediatric vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) are generally covered through private insurance or the federal VFC program.
For more information, visit or call the CDC's National
Immunization Hotline at 800-232-2522
(800-232-0233 para espanol; 888-232-6348 for the hearing
impaired), or call your insurance plan directly.
Vaccines for adults aged 65 and older may be covered by Medicare. For more information, go to or call 877-267-2323 (866-226-1819 for the hearing impaired).
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the Merck Vaccine Patient Assistance Program, please
call 800-293-3881, 8 AM to 8 PM ET, Monday through Friday, where a live operator
will be available to assist you.